If you would like to participate in any of the Children-UA activities we have listed below some ideas of how you could get involved:
Support Children-UA team in fundraising by:
organizing a fundraising event: brunch/ lunch / dinner and transferring the funds to Children-UA account
ordering catering from Children-UA for your own party with family / friends/ colleagues
organizing a fundraising at your work / neighborhood / other
doing a cookie selling with your kid
Make Children-UA 2017 camp even more fun for kids and
order each of them pizza & juice to refresh after one of their workshops
sponsor a city trip for them
give each kid a chocolate, or two, or more☺
invite kids to the nearest aqua park
buy them a pair of shoes
If you like one of the suggested above options or have a better idea about your participation and contribution to Children-UA please contact us at or simply fill up the form below.